
Upcoming Events

27 Jun 2024 08:30 - 11:00
Solution or Problem: The Impact of AI in the Energy Transition

AI holds substantial promise for enabling and enhancing the energy transition, yet the practical and responsible application of AI in the energy and renewables sectors presents complex challenges. As organisations increasingly invest in AI-powered tools, the discussion around the carbon footprint of cloud computing becomes ever more relevant. This panel session, featuring representatives from the climate tech, carbon accounting, and energy industries, will explore the impacts and potential pitfalls of AI implementation, and discuss what measures the industry can or should take to address these issues.

Faculty HQ
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02 Jul 2024 16:00 - 17:15
Connecting to Prosper: Integrating AI in the UK

The UK attracts the most investment in AI in Europe, but substantially less than the US and China. What can be done to position the UK at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

In this exclusive fireside chat, the Lord Mayor of London will share his unique insights from his international travels as the City of London’s global ambassador. Join us as the Lord Mayor sheds light on the opportunities and threats posed to the City and UK from AI, drawing on his career as both a computer scientist and financial services professional.

Online & Faculty HQ
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17 Jul 2024 08:00 - 11:00
Scaling Generative AI: From Pilot Projects to Enterprise Adoption

The AI driven transformation is underway. With increasingly powerful AI models coming to market, at some point soon every business will be an AI business.

Most organisations now have an AI roadmap – piloting multiple use cases that AI might be able to help with.

However, successfully adopting this technology at scale is hard. Most pilots end up as failed experiments that were technology led, and lacked a considered approach to adoption at scale.

Faculty HQ
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